I am sorry it's been a while since I last posted something but I am back :D
In the end of April I had a re-entry orientation from my agency. That means we talked with all the other exchange students and my coordinator about returning to our home countries and what problems we may face once we are back home.
In the beginning of May I went with my host mum to Houston. There we spend a day and visiting famous places and just sightseeing in the city. In the evening we went to MinuteMaid park and watched the Houston Astros playing. It was my first ever baseball game and it was very interesting. I like football better though because it is just a faster game and filled with more action. But nevertheless it was a lot of fun.

A few days later it was my birthday. It was definitely a good experience to have birthday in the US but at the same time I am looking forward to celebrate my birthday with my family at home again.
We also had a PAX (that is my agency) Banquet. That means all the exchange students and their host family's came together and went to eat and just reflect the past months and looking at pictures and just talked about what we experienced etc. it was very nice.
At school we had undergraduate awards that means that the students from the grades 9-11 are getting awards for good grades etc. I got an academic excellence award.
On the 21st we had graduation from our school. It was very interesting to see an american high-school graduation, but I was disappointed that they weren't allowed to throw their caps.

Tomorrow is my last day ever at an American High school and I still can't believe it.
Everything comes slowly to an end now. I have to say goodbye to a lot of friends already and slowly start to gather all my stuff. I can't believe that I have only 11 days left like whaaat :o
The other exchange students from my school and me we took a few pictures at our school and I think they came out pretty cool :
On Wednesday I am going to New Orleans for a vacation with my Host mother until Sunday. So I will post again when I am back.
Have a blessed week and see you next time (-: